City of
June 20 - 22,
(Unless otherwise noted, all events take place on the church grounds)
Friday, June 20th
(5:00pm – 11:30pm)
- 5:00pm Cattle auctionEntertainment (DJ)Saturday, June 21st (2:00pm – 11:30pm)
- 5:00pm Procession begins at the Church accompanied by the band, Nova Alianca, Pawtucket, RI. Procession continues to the “Mordomo’s” house and makes a small journey, distributing sweet bread and wine, while heading back to the church.Entertainment after the procession through the evening
- Cranston Portuguese Club Folkloric dance group- Our Lady of Fatima, Folkloric dance group of Cumberland- David DeMelo and his bandSunday, June 22nd (9:30am – 10:00pm)
- 9:30am Procession begins at the Church accompanied by the Nova Alianca Band, Pawtucket, RI, and the Clube Juventude Lusitana Band ofCumberland, RI.
- 11:00am Feast MassShort Procession following the MassSoup of the Holy Spirit served in church hall
- - - - - - - - THE FEAST CONTINUES UNTIL 10:00pm - - - - - - - -Entertainment – DJ
A great big THANK YOU to everyone for your help and participation!2014 Mordomos, Jacquline & Michael Viveiros