The proclamation of the Word of God is one of the most important duties of the Church. Lectors help in this ministry during the celebration of Mass. Any parishioner who is competent and comfortable with public speaking is invited to consider volunteering for this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners assist in distribution of the Blessed Sacrament at Mass. We also coordinate bringing Holy Communion to the homebound and those in nursing homes in our local area.
Altar Servers
Children who have received First Holy Communion are invited to assist the Priest at the altar during Mass. Please see call the office or see Fr. Wilson after Mass if you are interested in being trained as a server.
Parish Choirs
Our English, Spanish, and Portuguese communities each have a choir that sings at the Masses in those languages, as well as joining together in a combined choir for major feasts. Anyone wishing to join any of the choirs at our parish is invited to call the parish office for more information at 508.226.1115.
Altar Guild
A clean and well maintained church is one sign of the parishioners' dedication to God. Members of the Altar Guild help with this by performing light housekeeping tasks such as cleaning and watering flowers, and assuring the neat appearance of our place of worship.