Our priests will also begin to lead us in saying the parish "Day of Evangelization Prayer" at Mass. This prayer has been composed by the DOE Prayer team. Pew cards have been placed in the Church with this prayer translated into three languages.
The distinctive "Door to Door" logo (below), beautifully created by Kathy Harum, our parish DOE Coordinator, is featured on each pew prayer card.
We are also including a "Day of Evangelization" flier with this weekend's bulletin. Preparations are underway and all parishioners are welcome to join forthcoming meetings.
On Monday June 17th at 6:45 PM members of our parish are continuing to prepare for our Day of Evangelization (DOE) happening later this summer. We will be sending out 100 parishioners and volunteers 2x2 to go Door to Door throughout the City of Attleboro to gently, lovingly invite people home to Christ.
“After this the Lord appointed seventy two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit” (Luke 10:1). The Day of Evangelization is supported by 17 subcommittees, including Prayer and Fasting, Maps and Logistics, Day Care, Food, promotions and many others.
We have many volunteers, but need many more to support the first door to door for Christ event in Massachusetts.
Please attend our next meeting on Monday June 17th to determine where your gifts and talents can be used to help grow our Parish Community. The evening will start at 6:45 with the Rosary, the planning committee meeting starts at 7:00pm, and breakout into subcommittees will be at 8:00pm.
For more information, please contact Kathy Harum via the Parish Office at (508) 226-1115.