Please mark your calendar for our next Day of Evangelization (DOE) Information and Training Evening - Monday, 8 July at 6.45 PM in Holy Ghost Church.
More than 50 volunteers participated in our last DOE meeting on June 17th, and more Catholics in the area are getting involved in some capacity every day. We are looking for a total of 200 volunteers to support the day of evangelization, in either a support or door to door role. The volunteers can be from our own parish or surrounding parishes. Please ask friends, family and neighbors to get involved. Everyone is welcome! Come to our next meeting and you can learn to sing the D2D song that’s getting everyone excited to participate in a successful event! We look forward to seeing you!
more information, please contact Kathy Harum, DOE Contact, via the Parish
Office on 508-226-1115.
Want to know more about our DOE logo? Some quick facts...
- The logo is an original design by the wonderfully talented Kathy Harum, our Parish DOE contact.
- The commanding presence of the Cross is central to the image and our DOE efforts.
- In Kathy’s striking image, the “D2D” command radiates from the heart of the Cross.
- The rays emanating from the Cross are white and red – symbolizing, as in Sister Faustina’s image of Divine Mercy, the blood and water which poured forth from “the one whom they had pierced” (Pope Benedict XVI). This beautiful symbolism reminds us of the centrality of Christ in all that we do as Christians.
- The core “D2D” message symbolizes the “door-to-door” aspect of the ministry. The connotation of our being sent out in pairs (see Luke 10:1-23) is captured in the use of the numeral “2”. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bless all of our efforts and “send us out” in response to Christ’s command (John 20:21).
- The “D2D” message is colored blue to symbolize our Holy Mother, “the first Disciple of her Son” (Pope John Paul II), in whose footsteps we aspire to follow.
- The core reason for our DOE efforts is summarized in the “Door to Door for Christ” message at the bottom of Kathy’s image. As Father Riley has commented, this is our response to the Great Commission, “Go, make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).