December 8 is the Holyday of Obligation of the Immaculate Conception (the day when we celebrate when the Blessed Mother was conceived by Sts. Anne and Joachim, but without original sin touching her soul - that's why she is called the Immaculate Conception. This is not to be confused with the Annunciation, when Mary conceived Jesus by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit). Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is the patroness of the United States. Our Masses will be:
Vigil - Monday, Dec. 7
5:30 pm - Portuguese Mass
7:10 pm - English Mass
(there will also be Masses at St. John's at 4:25 and 6:45 pm)
Tuesday, Dec. 8
9 am - English Mass
5:30 pm - Spanish Mass
7 pm - English Mass
We will then have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in church until 12 midnight as part to the National Night of Prayer for Life. Please come by for a while to pray for our country. (Tuesday there will be Masses at St. John's at 7 am, 8 am, 4:25 and 5:55 pm).