Friday, January 22, 2016
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 71 Linden St, Attleboro
Created in the spirit of the New Evangelization and in this Year of Mercy, this prayer service is a healing opportunity for the entire local community to which everyone is invited. The hidden wounds of abortion affect each of us, not just those directly involved in the act of abortion itself. Many of our co-workers, neighbors, friends, and fellow parishioners suffer silently. As a community we have all been touched and we all have the opportunity to engage in the healing process.
- 6:00 PM – Volunteers read testimonies written by survivors
- 7:00 PM - Eucharistic Adoration and Sacrament of Reconciliation
- 8:00 PM – Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
This evening of intercession was developed by Theresa Bonopartis & The Sisters of Life and is sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry of St. Vincent de Paul and St. John the Evangelist Parishes. For more information, please email;