Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day of Evangelization

The Spirit is on the move here in our parish – and there is a plan to keep it that way. Father Wilson has agreed that the parish will hold a Day of Evangelization on Saturday, 24 August 2013

Over the next several months, there will be a series of parish meetings, publicity and information on how the whole parish can become involved in this inspiring event. The striking event logo (below), created by Kathy Harum, will become a familiar feature of our preparations.

The Day of Evangelization ministry started in 2010 in the Diocese of Providence. St. Vincent’s Attleboro will be the first parish in Massachusetts to hold the event. We are fortunate to have the experience and leadership of the team which led parish days in Providence. Ed Gallagher, Kathleen Kerin and their team will be guiding us through the preparations. More information on what the day entails can be found at www.dayofevangelization.com.

For more information on our parish activities and the teams now underway, please contact Kathy Harum on 508-226-2560.